Monday, September 14, 2015

FREE GST compliant Accounting Software

GST in Malaysia is scheduled to be implemented in April 2015. GST is a tax on the business transaction – sale, purchase and expenses.
 Every GST-registered business must submit the GST returns either on a monthly or a quarterly basis, depending on their turnover. This places a lot of importance on the accounting software to be able to capture the transaction records accurately and timely.
Why MyEG GST Accounting Tool ??
GST Compliant
MyEG GST Accounting Tool is an online web based accounting software that is certified by Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JKDM) as GST compliant.
This Software is a complete accounting tool to help business owner record daily sales and purchase and to generate essential GST Tax Return forms. Reports can be generated on demand for tax filling purpose

Protect your sensitive data with passwords
In MyEG GST Accounting Tool, your transaction data for accounting purposes is stored securely.  Easily backup and restore your data within the software.
Convenient and Time Saving
There are lots of data that will be entered into the accounting system.  These records should be easily retrieved.  For example, you may want to check how easy it is to find transactions within a selected date range, or for a selected customer or supplier. Hence, time saved through reduction of manual tabulation and data entry .You can easy access to POS Sales Data at a click of a button.
User Friendly
MyEG GST Accounting Tool is designed for business minded people with or without accounting knowledge.  No accounting experience required to use MyEG GST Accounting Tool.  You can issue and print quotations and later convert them into Sales Order and Sales Invoices with great ease.  The documents can be printed or emailed to the recipients. Precise tabulation for sales transaction
Free MyEG GST Accounting Full Version
For more information, please kindly contact me @ 017-4010950 or my email at

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